Saturday, 15 February 2014

More information on Venezuela

A great friend of mine wrote yesterday a very interesting post describing very precisely the situation that has been going on in Venezuela. Here is the link to his blog:

I also copy here a fragment of a comment his wife (my own cousin) left me yesterday on my last post:

We feel utterly powerless… this time fear has prevented us from marching. Here in Mérida the situation is extremely dangerous due to the continuous circulation throughout the city of armed motorized groups supported by the government that not only “defend the revolution” attacking the masses of gathered people, to the total consent of the police, but also rob and hit people in the streets, even if they are not doing anything (trying to get somewhere, for example).

It is terrible… I write to you today Saturday, and I haven’t been able to leave my apartment since last Monday, except to walk my dog or go to the nearest bakery, which every day has less items to sell. I don’t know how sustainable this situation is for the Government, if the answer we will have will be worse – more repressive, more annulling by force and injustice –, if changes occur for better or worse, or if the worst occurs… we get used to it, we bow our heads and renounce once again. This last thing is what has been happening with the most recent presidential elections, with the scarcity of the most basic goods, with the acceptance of the loss of our rights but also our health and life.
This hurts me very deeply, because Venezuela has always been for me an ideal land... the country of great weather, beautiful music, passion, love, happiness. Now all that is gone, sold to the greed of men, destroyed by them in search of lies and more lies. People are trying to fight back this darkness that approaches, but evil always seems to be more resourceful, especially when it is in control of one of the biggest oil reservoirs in the world. Why are we like this? Why can we produce so much hatred just to win this little stupid game we ourselves created, this game of "money" and "power"? Why do we still believe in these ghosts? 

To all the people in Venezuela, I am really sorry not to be with you there, not to be also fighting with you. I feel greatly for you, my brothers and sisters. The night is dark now, the fire and the smoke are filling the air, but let's hope that the future will be brighter, let us hope that we will earn our freedom, a real independence from the Empire, not the European or the North American Empires, they do not exist, they are the same as us: human beings that love and suffer and pay taxes and worry about how they will pay for the groceries next week, but from the Empire of lies, of money, of greed. We are a wealthy nation, we have enough for everybody and more. Let us use this, let us share this, let us make our wealth the building blocks to our freedom. Let us not fall again into the lies of Fidel Castro, of Hugo Chavez, who lied to us in the most horrible way, because they did it in our own language, through our own souls, using our hopes and dreams to manipulate us into becoming hordes of ignorant slaves that only live to serve the machinery of money. There is no love in their words, there is no compassion, no humanity. They are dead, they always were.

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