Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Protests in Venezuela

I'm watching the news now. A Colombian channel because all the news from Venezuela are blocked, apparently. What I understand of what is happening is the following:

Public insecurity is so high in Venezuela, that even the students inside their classrooms at the universities were being robbed and threatened. This caused them to start making protests a week ago or so, demanding more safety and improved living conditions from the Government. The National Guard stepped in to try to stop the manifestations, which led to violent confrontations between them and the students.
Today, there was some kind of manifestation organized by the Government to celebrate the national youth day or something like that, so some people went to that. Most people, though, went to a pacific march organized by the opposition. I'm not sure but I suppose that in most cities around the country (I'm guessing the major cities) the manifestations organized by the opposition were much more popular. This again led to the unleashing of the National Guard and the beginning of the violence once again. 
 I don't know much else because the information NTN24 (another link... apparently the first one is blocked by the Government) is receiving is also very vague, since there is a huge media blockade surrounding this. 

This picture is not from today, but from another, earlier, manifestation in Venezuela.

Why is this happening? Well, Venezuela historically has been a country that suffered under leech-governments. Governments that came and took as much as they could and they left. But this one has been different, this one has lasted. 15 years ago, more or less, Hugo Chavez was elected president of Venezuela after a failed military coup and some years of imprisonment which, of course, rose him to the image of some martyr of Justice. He continued to create a political system under the disguise of socialism and centered on his own charismatic persona, together with the images of the Gods Fidel Castro (Father of the Revolution) and Simon Bolivar (Eternal Father of Venezuela), which systematically led to the decay of the whole economic, social and political systems of Venezuela. After his death, he was succeeded by Nicolás Maduro, who more or less continued the same idea, but now with the added value of his necrophilic view of the legacy of Chavez (there is not a single speech where the Holy Corpse is not mentioned).

Ok, let's face it. You can deny all this, you can deny the injustice, you can deny the inflation, you can justify it, you can soften it, but what you cannot deny is the fact that the country is divided into two very clear sections that hate each other to death. I declare myself incapable of approving of any government that has this effect on the people. Of course, you can be against the government, you can disagree with it, but to be declared enemy of the State for just expressing you opinion, or to risk being assaulted on the streets, or to risk losing your job for not liking the government, that to me is intolerable. There are more injustices than this, of course, but to me this is the main source of concern, since it predates the society and its workings in every way imaginable. 

But the use of hatred is, of course, understandable from a strategic point of view. We are led to it all the time by different groups that seek to control us. By saying, "look at them, see how different they are from us, they are bad because they are not how we are so we must destroy them," they make us feel afraid (fear again), feel that our safety and our lives are at stake because of this other group that threatens us, so we unite and follow these individuals that only seek power. It all begins with the distinction "us and them" (Pink Floyd comes to mind), which then leads to the false idea of threat, which then leads to, hatred, violence, and death. All their power rests upon the idea of hatred towards some "other," just because that other is different. This necessarily means that there is nothing of true value in what they offer, if there was, then they wouldn't have to recur to such devices. We need to question ourselves, is this person in front of me essentially different from me? If the answer is inevitably yes then, is this a bad thing? Should I hate this person just because of them being different from me? Does her/his otherness interfere in some way with the normal proceedings of my life? Will it at some point? Will this interference constitute a threat to my safety? You will realize that, in most cases, the answer to all these questions is "no." You will also realize that this ideas are not your own at all, they are most likely planted in your brain by some great organization or another, just so that you will be attached and dependent on them and they can have more and more power over you.

Talking about stupid hatred... is it anybody's fault to have dark skin?

The only response is love, unconditional, undying love. We are one, we are not different, we are all sisters and brothers. There is no reason to hate each other, there is absolutely no justification for it. In this unforgiving universe, that does not care a single bit for us - we are not even a dot, not even the infinitesimal fraction of a dot -, we must realize that we only have each other, that we are the ones that give meaning to the void, that there is nothing else but us. Wars, money, greed, violence, fire arms, boundaries are all unnecessary, ridiculous, childish, if not downright stupid. 

No more lies, please, no more hatred, no more empty words. 

Venezuela, I love you, you are my mother. I don't want to see you die, you deserve much better than this. Let us be worthy of you.

There are so many simple things that can make us happy and express our love...


  1. Hola mi querido Renán,
    Soy María Inés, y hasta hace una semana navegando por la web, descubrí tu blog y -puedes creerme o no- lo leí de cabo a rabo, completo, en una tarde de ocio. Me hizo muy feliz conocer esta versión más adulta del Renán compositor, sensible y expresivo que siempre has sido. Y precisamente porque he disfrutado tanto esa manifestación descarnada de tus sentimientos y experiencias cotidianas, dudé mucho antes de "intervenir" con un comentario.
    Pero hoy leo tu post sobre lo que está pasando en Venezuela, y siento que podría serte útil leer algo que escribió Chjalmar en su blog, intentando escapar de las censuras terribles que están comenzando a operar en el país (como la imposibilidad de compartir imágenes vía Twitter con el exterior gracias a los filtros de CANTV, la "depuración" política de canales -eufemismo para renuncias masivas de periodistas y más censuras-, y ni hablar de que salir a la calle en sí mismo, es considerado por el gobierno de Mérida una provocación); este texto está circulando mucho por internet:
    La versión en inglés es para compartirla, esa es la idea.
    Nos sentimos sumamente impotentes... esta vez el miedo nos ha impedido ir a marchar. Aquí en Mérida la situación es extremadamente peligrosa, debido a la circulación continua a lo largo de la ciudad de grupos de motorizados armados por el gobierno que no sólo "defienden la revolución" atacando a las masas de personas reunidas, ante la TOTAL ANUENCIA de la policía, sino que además roban y golpean a las personas que vean circulando por las calles, aunque no estén haciendo nada, tratando de llegar a algún sitio por ejemplo. Es terrible… te escribo hoy sábado, y no he podido salir de mi apartamento desde el lunes pasado, salvo a pasear a la perra o ir a la panadería más cercana a la que cada día le quedan menos productos para vender.
    No sé qué tan sostenible sea esta situación para este gobierno, si la respuesta que tengamos sea peor –más represiva, más anuladora por la fuerza y la sinrazón-, si se desencadenen cambios para bien o para mal, o si ocurre lo peor… nos acostumbramos como pueblo, bajamos la cabeza y renunciamos nuevamente. Esto último es lo que ha venido pasando con las más recientes elecciones presidenciales, con la escasez de las cosas más básicas, con la aceptación de la pérdida de derechos pero también de la salud y la vida.
    Te envío un enorme abrazo, con mucho orgullo por el amor con que te entregas a tu formación profesional y como ser humano. Espero que podamos reanudar el contacto –que perdimos cuando cerré el Facebook, creo-
    María Inés

    1. María Inés! Qué bueno saber de ti! Muchas gracias por tu comentario, no vuelvas a dudar en comentar! Jajajaja
      Me tomé la libertad de citarte en el siguiente post, si no te parece bien dime y lo elimino. También puse un link al blog de Chjalmar. Estoy realmente indignado por todo lo que está pasando en el país, muy triste y preocupado. Si puedes mándame más info, mi mail es el mismo que tú tienes, pero ahora estoy usando gmail (así que termina en te mando muchos abrazos, y mucha fuerza en estos tiempos tan difíciles... ojalá que pronto salga el sol
      muchos besos para ti y Chjalmar también
